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The OpenPAGov database is designed for the user to be able to drill down on detailed spending and performance in each district and compare district and state trends.
For a snapshot of all key metrics for a single district, start with School District Snapshot.
Contained under the School District Snapshot are various databases, such as School Spending, School Taxes and School Payroll.
Each database holds several tabs for different data points. You can also compare districts under these tabs for each database, giving you a wider view of trends and data.
Review each of the tabs to find your desired information. After selecting a tab, choose the county, district, or school you are looking for in the dropdown menu.
Aside from the raw data, we have put together graphs and other graphics that helps illustrate the trends easily.
Under the “About” tab are links to the data sources, if you would like to look at the state’s raw data.